Mercy "Dreams Of Love" é o disco de que falamos hoje! Aberto para consulta, desde do passado dia 18 de Fevereiro, "Dreams Of Love LP", foi produzido ao longo dos dois últimos anos, inspirando-se na estética do Soul e R&B Americano, cruzando-as com linhas de Future Garage e Dubstep, no qual o groove predomina.
Relativamente ao nome escolhido, para o seu álbum de estreia, Mercy conta-nos que "about a month after I started writing I noticed I was having the same recurring dream. Every night I'd fall asleep, meet an amazing girl, fall in love and became totally captivated by her. Then every morning I would wake up and for a second or two be completely convinced I was in love with the girl of my dreams. This would repeat every night for about 3 months until I forced myself to let her go. In her memory I decided to call my debut album dreams of love".
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