Freebie debulhar, Agosto engravelar!
quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2019
Nothing like a freebie 355
segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2019
TSDcast 78 - Feonix (Entrevista + Mix)
Take a step to dub - Hi Jimmi, blessed on taking the time for this interview! How has 2019 treated so far and what’s new in the world of Feonix?
Feonix - Ez man, no worries. 2019 has been interesting so far.. challenging to a degree due to constant technical setbacks. Been taking some time to re-assess things a bit, that said when possible I’ve still been working on music with various projects (LSN, etc.) and building towards a few Feonix releases perhaps towards the end of year.
TSD - Tell us a little about your jouney in music, with some key moments from your life, as far back as childhood, that you feel have made an impact on your music today?
F - Guess it kicked off as a part of my life with starting to learn piano when I was quite young, it got a bit more serious when I was about 10 and picked up the guitar. Played in bands n that when I was a teenager, then properly discovered electronic music n production when I was about 18.
There’s been a fair few moments from there; the first Outlook launch party with Biome in 2012, the formation of LSN, that MUD Getdarker kitchen takeover! I think the time spent with Uprise Audio shaped a lot, through that whole time I think I developed quite a bit as an artist, with a lot of help from everyone I’ve been lucky to work with thus far.
TSD - What's the most important / valuable lesson you've learned since you started making music?
F - Patience. Stuff takes time, if I could I’d say ‘don’t speak too soon’. Or if you ain’t feelin that; don’t let yourself get pushed around too much, if you have a vision for something follow through.. By all means, it’s good to reach a compromise when situations are disagreed on, but make sure the compromise isn’t you just letting somebody else have their way.
TSD - Creating any art form often draw inspiration from life and environment. With the many outlets from which we can seek such inspiration, what inspires you to create the sound that you do?
F - Honestly I’m not sure. (not to sound like a dick but) It’s more of a compulsion, sometimes I just have to get a beat down n it just sounds the way it does. I guess I try n think about tracks a lot more now in terms of my own experiences; the track making process is a lot less frequent than it was when I was 22 so I suppose I’m trying to put more in to them now.. Not that wasn’t back then, but I’ve got less time now haha I do enjoy reading for a bit of abstract inspiration, been gettin well in to poetry the last few years. (check out John Cooper Clarke)
TSD - You open 2019 with the self release "Frames EP"! More frequently we see artists like your self using Bandcamp for releases as an alternative to going through a tradicional record label. In your opinion why this happend?
Bandcamp as a website is sick, for labels as well as artists. It’s straightforward, a direct thing for artists and just for listening. But record labels are still important, it’s an avenue to meeting and workin with like minded artists, get guidance n that, n it’s good for artists to work together like that to build n shape the scene.
F - I’ve been a bit quiet on seeking releases this year tbh, had a lot on the plate with LSN this last year.. but yeh I’m glad that those two tracks you mentioned in particular came out where they did, amongst some sick artists on some labels I respect and personally enjoy the music of.
TSD - What are you hoping to influence right now with the music you are currently pushing right now?
F - Not sure if I’m trying to influence anything as such.. Just tryin to do my thing n make music I like, at least, for better or worse.
TSD - Being a sensitive issue (or false question) for some people. What does the term UK Bass Music mean to you?
F - As a term it sounds like an umbrella genre under which you could lump bass heavy sub genres originating in the UK. I s’pose.
TSD - What have you been stumbling across lately? What sounds and artists are on your radar right now?
F - I’ve been delving a lot in to the new Jazz scene that’s been flowing out of London the last few years to be honest. There’s some really interesting stuff there, a good starting point is the We Out Here compilation on Brownswood, literally everyone on there is worth checking out individually. Extensively.
On the electronic front I’ve been really enjoying that new Others release on Sentry for one, n rate pretty much everything Gisaza has made. DPRTNDRP smash it every time, as does man like 207 (it is well known). Quite enjoyin the stuff DraeDaSkimask makes too. On the label front I been following Artikal; that Quasar release was fkn deep, 20/20LDN; for obvious reasons, Kikuji Records; they’ve been putting out some interesting leftfield 140 bizness from artists like NoClu & Ploom (so far), lookin forward to hearin where they go.
TSD - We were quite excited about the mix you put together for us. Tell us a little bit about the selection process, down to the final recording?
F - So yeh, I don’t necessarily always make or listen to dubstep so I wanted to whack a few extra bits in this mix that should hopefully make sense on the whole. Obviously with it being a TSDcast there’s a lot of 140 in there, mostly dubs & releases from artists & labels I’m following n feel are doing some pretty interesting stuff. Decided to record the mix on 3 decks in one take.
TSD - Before we finish... can you give us any cheeky upfront information about what we might be seeing from you and LSN for the rest of the year?
F - There’s a fair bit in the works, as I said earlier we’ve been pretty busy.. got a few releases for sure, can’t say much more just yet but yeh it’s exciting times ahead.
TSD - Now to finish... if you were stranded on an island and could only keep with you the following things, what would they be? 1 vinyl, 1 DAW, 1 piece of hardware, and 1 sandwich.
F -
1 vinyl: Santana ‘Abraxas’ – I’m probably not gna have a turntable so at least I can look at the nice art;
1 DAW: Ableton – presuming I can somehow build a working mac out of resources on the Island, perhaps from falling debris from a nearby plane one day;
1 piece of hardware: My guitar – might as well, maybe the sound could carry across the sea and piss off the crew of a nearby ship enough to come n tell me to stop/get me off the island;
1 sandwich: a fookin massive (like abnormal levels) New York Deli style thing; Pastrami, Cheese, pickles n that, on Rye wot I could just eat a little bit of every day to keep goin til the above situation occurs.
TSD - Thank you for your time brother, all the best for the future. Are there any final comments / shoutouts you wanna share to wrap things up?
F - Cheers for getting in touch for the interview, sorry for the tangent with the desert island, bigup to you, you the reader, bigup the LSN family, Stevie the cat, ::Definition Bangor crew, Original Locked Soundsystem mandem, the guys at Education & Bass, Bayfield n Ash at Kikuji/Purple City Soufflé, Uprise Audio family, the lords n ladies of hospitality: Dungeon Beats crew in Poznan, my secret Croatian second family: 207 & the Untied Audio badmen over in Pula, my main man Deafblind, our mate Kyle, and finally my brother Rob n his missus Steph; who just had a baby n that’s pretty damn nice in my opinion.
TSD Podcast,
domingo, 28 de julho de 2019
Knowledge 422 - Dub Camp
"Todo conhecimento começa com o sonho.
O sonho nada mais é que a aventura pelo mar desconhecido, em busca da terra sonhada. Mas sonhar é coisa que não se ensina, brota das profundezas do corpo, como a alegria brota das profundezas da terra. Como mestre só posso então lhe dizer uma coisa. Contem-me os seus sonhos para que sonhemos juntos."
(Rubem Alves)
Esta semana no TSDKnowledge, visitamos o Dub Camp.
sábado, 27 de julho de 2019
Jakes mostra novo single
Pouco menos de um mês, após o lançamento de "BKWD FWD", o multifacetado Jakes, mostra uma vez mais o porquê de ser um dos Bristol finest, com a edição de "Heights".
Editado pela irmã mais nova da H.E.N.C.H Recordings, At Night We Play. "Heights (Black Box Truth) / Crush)", é uma peça de uma intensidade irresistível, que se centra no Deep Dubstep & Leftfield Bass.
At Night We Play,
H.E.N.C.H Recordings,
quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2019
Sub Audio apresenta primeiro vinil de Scooped
Scooped, nome escolhido pelo austríaco Chris Vodenik para as suas lides musicais, prepara-se para editar o seu primeiro vinil! Intitulado "Worldwide Slaughter", é editado pela Sub Audio e reúne quatro cuts massivos, alinhados para 16 de Agosto, contando no lado A com as "Worldwide Slaughter / Worldwide Dub", ficando o lado B a cargo de Dubbing Sun e Gnischrew, que elevaram as faixas originais, com todo o seu groove e energia característicos.
Segundo a editora, "Worldwide Slaughter is musically rooted in the spirit of Reggae and Dub, featuring a collaboration with acclaimed vocalist Danny Ranks, who's gifted lyrical in the performance of music with a message".
Dubbing Sun,
Sub Audio Records
quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2019
Nothing like a freebie 354
O mês de Julho dá freebies e o gorgulho!
terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2019
Há uma nova editora a nascer
É um claro sinal da vitalidade que o Dubstep, atravessa desde a uns anos para cá: a Earth & Stone foi sendo concebida desde de 2018, mas deu o seu primeiro sinal de vida, no passado dia 19 de Julho, com o lançamento do ERTNSTN001 Foamplate - Crashing EP!
Criada por Josh Drift, Leo Chalcraft e Will Corry, Earth & Stone surgio como resposta à necessidade dos intervenientes "create without boundaries and use Earth & Stone as the platform. We are all close friends looking to put our energy into something positive and are donating a percentage of any profits to causes which are beneficial to the planet".
A música da nova editora pode ser ouvida por aqui, para acompanhar as próximas novidades, bastará estar atento as mídias sociais, bem como a este espaço.
Earth & Stone,
segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2019
Knowledge 421 - David Rodigan Reggae Fever
"O conhecimento torna a alma jovem e diminui a amargura da velhice. Colhe, pois, a sabedoria. Armazena suavidade para o amanhã!"
(Leonardo da Vinci)
Esta semana, o TSDKnowledge é dedicado por inteiro, ao documentário
"David Rodigan Reggae Fever".
David Rodigan,
sábado, 20 de julho de 2019
J:Kenzo & Flowdan juntos em novo single
De um lado a lenda do Grime britânico Flowdan, do outro, a referencia do Dubstep J:Kenzo, no seu meio "Like A Hawk", single com o selo Artikal Music e edição prevista para dia 2 de Agosto.
"Like A Hawk" assume-se como "a raw hybrid grime / dubstep crossover with straight fire delivery from Flowdan & J:Kenzo which has had support from Sir Spyro (BBC 1Xtra), Caspa, Slimzee & DJ N-Type".
Artikal Music,
sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2019
Está aí o novo disco Digid & Dubbing Sun
Primeiro foi "Champion Sound", depois chegou "Second Babylon", pelo meio tivemos "Fight Against Evil", sem contar, que ouvimos ainda "Big Tune". Sendo que agora é a vez de "Journey", com a colaboração de Ras Addis e Bukkha na remistura.
O novo disco da parceria austro-belga Digid & Dubbing Sun, foi desvendado e segundo a Cubículo Records, "is a spacial journey through the cosmic stepper sounds, blending heavy synthesiser sounds, ruff drums patterns and heavy bass lines".
Cubículo Records,
Dubbing Sun,
Ras Addis
quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2019
Aí está: o novo EP de JLeon chegou ao mundo
Dia quente em Miami, dia quente em Portugal, dia quente no mundo... e na Costa Rica não é excepção! JLeon acaba de dar ao mundo o sucessor de "Future", extend play com que se apresentou ao universo dos 140bpms, em Dezembro passado.
Inspirado e dedicado "to all indigenous tribes living in the heart of the jungle protecting it from the tyrants", "Boruca Mask EP", chega-nos com a chancela da sempre activa, Deep Dark & Dangerous.
quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019
Nothing like a freebie 353
Em Julho tudo farás, só o teu freebie não ceifarás!
terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2019
Overdue apresenta Illegal EP de Teffa
Depois do lançamento de "General" e "Faulty Line", o londrino Teffa, libertou o seu novíssimo extended play. "Fusing old-school elements with the present like few others", como de costume, "Illegal EP" é o primeiro material desde que assinou pela belga Overdue.
Sendo que de acordo com o press release, assinado pela editora, "the up and coming artist furthers his status as a versatile and highly capable producer with three tracks of unadulterated sound system pressure - including a weighty collaboration with Chad Dubz."
domingo, 14 de julho de 2019
Knowledge 420 - Adrian Sherwood
"O ser, o ter e o fazer são como triângulo, no qual cada lado serve de apoio para os demais. Não há conflito entre eles."
(Shakti Gawain)
Esta semana, recebemos no TSDKnowledge, Adrian Sherwood!
sábado, 13 de julho de 2019
Chapman estreia-se pela Chestplate
A editora inglesa Chestaplate, prepara-se para lançar no próximo dia 19 de Julho, o EP "Colossus", primeiro trabalho do produtor californiano Justin Rivera, que aqui assina como Chapman. Membro da LA crew, B-Side, Chapman é apadrinhado assim por Distance, que define a sua produção como excitante e irreal.
Posto isto, enquanto dia 19 não chega, ficamos com a preview das quatro faixas do EP, aqui em baixo.
sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2019
O primeiro salto de Karma pela ZamZam Sounds
O inglês Corin Bornhoff aka Karma está em todas! Está na System, está na Innamind... e mais, a partir de agora, está oficialmente também na reconhecida soundsystem pusher ZamZam Sounds.
Com estreia prevista para hoje (12 de Julho), "Crampton Beat / Shortwave Step", apresentam-se como um tratado "that show once again that Karma is an artist who fully integrates emotion, intuition, and serious craft to maximum effect", que nunca desilude os seguidores.
Não esquecer, para o bem e para o mal, ZAMZAM73 esta limitado a 700 unidades, e não terá direito a qualquer edição em formato digital ou reedição futura.
quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2019
AxH, Dayzero & Heavy Traffic: temos equipa!
Unidos pela paixão pelos graves, Andrew Howard e Tsuyoshi Hamada aka AxH & Dayzero, dão o corpo ao manifesto, que é como quem diz, dão voz e talento ao tridente "Send 4 the Steppers / Lightahs Ready / So Long".
Editado com a chancela da Heavy Traffic Recordings, "Send 4 the Steppers / Lightahs Ready / So Long", assumem desde de logo, um lugar de destaque na discografia da editora californiana, não só pela, qualidade das mesmas, mas também porque assinala o quatro lançamento em vinil, da label americana.
Heavy Traffic Recordings
quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2019
Nothing like a freebie 352
Julho quente, seco e ventoso, freebie sem repouso!
terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2019
WheelDeal apresenta IP13 RemixEP de Mr.K
O inglês Kyle Smith aka Mr.K, acaba de revelar três novas roupagens, para o tema "IP13", parte integrante do extend play "Baka", lançado no ano passado.
Ode à vontade de mudar as coisas e à liberdade, este "IP13 Remix EP", apresenta-se via Wheel & Deal Records, no próximo dia 19 de Julho, ficando as reinterpretações a cargo de Sukh Knight e Cimm, bem como do próprio Mr.K, que assina aqui uma versão V.I.P do tema homónimo, e ainda oferece como bónus "Glue".
Mr. K,
Sukh Knight,
Wheel & Deal
domingo, 7 de julho de 2019
Knowledge 419 - The History Of Pirate Radio
"Você nunca sabe que resultados virão da sua ação, mas se você não fizer nada, não existirão resultados"
(Mahatma Gandhi)
Esta semana o TSDKnowledge, debruça-se sobre a historia da Radio Pirata.
Pirate radio,
sábado, 6 de julho de 2019
Duploc apresenta Loyalty de BunZer0
"Loyalty" é o título do novo single da voz do underground (já são mais de 13 anos a vestir a camisola da Sub.FM), e uns dos pais espirituais do Dubstep fora do Reino Unido, BunZer0!
Cavalgando através dos 140bpms, este novo tema descasca as emoções metafísicas do Dubstep, contando no Lado B, com uma remistura avassaladora do lendário Rob Smith a.k.a. RSD. Já está disponível para escuta nas principais plataformas, "Loyalty" tem o seu lançamento agendado para o próximo dia 8 de Julho, via
sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2019
The Others volta em 2019
Alex Crawford, produtor inglês mais conhecido como The Others, e homem que ajudou a popularizar o Dubstep, esta de regresso aos discos!
De 2017 para cá, já passou imenso tempo, pelo que "Shaolin", o novo 12" de The Others, vem mesmo a calhar, de forma a que não nos esqueçamos de que há vida depois do hype. O duplo single "Shaolin / Feedback", irá ser lançado hoje, dia 5 de Julho, através da Sentry Records e temos aqui a preview!
quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2019
Khiva entra em Julho com EP novo
É já na próxima sexta-feira, que chega ao mundo digital e físico, o novo trabalho da produtora canadense, Jessie Le Couteur aka Khiva!
O disco, com o selo da Deep, Dark & Dangerous, chama-se "Butterfly Effect EP", e gira à volta das sonoridades sombrias e negras, e do que acontece nas margens exteriores deste tipo de conceitos, sendo que de acordo com a própria Khiva "even my positive dreams do have a strong overtone of darkness and that just translates into my music!"
Posto isto, fiquem com um vislumbre do que poderão encontrar!
quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2019
Nothing like a freebie 351
Por todo o mês de Julho o freebie atulho!
terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2019
TSDcast 77 - Deadroom (Entrevista + Mix)
Directamente de Itália para o TSDcast - Deadroom
Take a step to Dub - Hi Luca, a big welcome from all at Take a step to Dub, how goes?
Deadroom - Greetings to all the Take a step crew, I am very happy to exchange a few words with you who have always been pushing the international Bass music scene.
T - What’s the story behind the name Deadroom, if any?
D - The name Deadroom comes from a term used in acoustics in which a room is devoid of reflections, then everyone can 'get what he wants, it may seem like a name a bit "horror" but it was not my intention at all :)
T - Although you’re no stranger to the digital community surrounding bass music, could you tell us a little about yourself for the guys who are new to Deadroom?
D - I try to blend all the sounds that have always influenced me, in what I currently do, before the Deadroom project I made music under other pseudonyms always working in electronic music, without being there to make a long list of artists and genres, the most influential ones were surely, hiphop first of all then idm, done well and dub / tehcno dub, even acoustic music excites me so much.
T - How do you think your sound has developed since you started?
D - I think that you never stop learning and being in contact with other artists helps a lot, I always try to improve what I do and I don't consider myself a master, in fact I never get to be 100% satisfied, I don't know if it's a good thing .. :) I am 36 years old and I come from when electronic music was made with the akia mpc2000 or 950 ... so the digital approach was a bit slower than the new generation.
T - Outside of production, what other interests or hobbies do you dabble in? Do any of these activities inspire you creatively when returning to the studio?
D - I have a passion for cycling, and gardening ... :)
No, my passions only help me to release stress, my approach to music expresses what I am, I don't like presets and I follow the market, trying to produce an original sound has always been fundamental for me, even if it's not said I always think that the life you do and the context in which you live is the most influential thing in music.
T - Last year was obviously huge for you, with massive releases in labels such Bleak Winter & Green King Cuts. Could you talk us trough your creative process when producing music?
D - Yes the collaboration these two labels, and also moonshine rec, I think they gave me a lot of visibility ', they are very strong crew that believe a lot in what they do, they invest us a lot and they are very prepared people, they give a great contribution to the scene.
I don't have a precise creative process or a script made of "template" or "default" I sit at my desk listening to drum samples and start programming, often with the same track I have many different versions and mixes.
T - So in your opinion, who is the audience that identifies with your music?
D - Honestly I do not imagine the "typical" person who identifies himself in what I do, surely I hope that what I do sounds good in the sound system and that it can make travel.
T - Can you give us any cheeky upfront information about what we might be seeing from you for the rest of the year?
D - I have so many traces on the fire but nothing definite.
T - How do you feel about social media in all of its influence on the music game now?
D - I am not much of a social media user, I have profiles, but I care very little, I find sound cloud very useful a bit like the old days of myspace, souncloud is very immediate and professional.
T - Talking about the music game, who would you be recommending in terms of artists or labels, who are you vibing with right now?
D - I think there is so much choice and quality in the international dubstep scene, there are always new artists and always fresh labels.
T - We are quite excited about the mix you put together for us. Tell us a little bit about the selection process, down to the final recording?
D - I prepared a mix made exclusively of my own tracks, I thought it was the most correct and genuine thing, I recorded it playing it live with the console
T - Thank you for your time brother, all the best for the future. Are there any final comments / shoutouts you wanna share to wrap things up?
D - I was pleased to share my experience with you I hope the best for you and for the whole scene thanks!
A greeting from Luca
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